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演员名:Troy Garity (特洛伊·盖瑞提)Date of Birth7 July 1973, Los Angeles, California, USA 出生日期:1973年7月7日出生于美国加利福尼亚,洛杉矶市Birth Name (本名)Troy O'Donovan Hayden Height (身高)6' 1¼" (1.86 m) Spouse (配偶)Simone Bent (1 September 2007 - present) Son of Jane Fonda and Tom Hayden简·方达(著名的好莱坞老牌女影星)的儿子(为了低调,他本人用祖母姓)(简·方达 资料:http://baike.baidu.com/view/150973.htm)Grandson of Henry Fonda亨利·方达 (好莱坞资深男艺人,已去世)的孙子(亨利·方达 的资料可查阅 百度百科http://baike.baidu.com/view/732200.html)有些内容就不翻译了………………………………Nephew of Peter Fonda and Susan Brewer.Cousin of Bridget Fonda and Justin FondaOne of People Magazine's 50 Most Beautiful People [1998]1998年被《人物》杂志评为“全球最漂亮的50个人”之一Garity is his paternal grandmother's name.“盖瑞提”是他祖母的姓氏。Stepson of Barbara Williams.Involved with the Peace Process Network, a worldwide anti-gang violence coalitionPlayed his father in the movie Steal This Movie (2000).When he was 16, he quit school and ran off to follow a circus performer he had a crush on around the country.16岁辍学,跑去随马戏团到处表演,他非常喜欢四处旅游。His parents gave him his paternal grandmother's last name for the sake of anonymity他父母为了低调,给他用了他祖母的姓氏。Plays a character named "Officer Klute" in A Day in the Life (2006/I). His mother, Jane Fonda, won an Oscar for Klute (1971), in which Donald Sutherland plays an officer named "John Klute".

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