

2024-12-18 02:38:47 编辑:zane 浏览量:574




这段时间细读了鲁迅的《朝花夕拾》,鲁迅是我最喜欢的作家之一,他的《朝花夕拾》也是其中我最喜欢的作品之一。 During this time, careful study of Lu Xun's "Chaohuaxishi," Lu Xun was one of my favorite writers, his "Chaohuaxishi" is also one of my favorite works.  童年,这是每个人都拥有的。 Childhood, which is owned by everyone. 虽然在童年里有苦有笑,但是童年会在自己的心里留下美好而难忘的回忆。 Although there are bitter childhood have to laugh, but his childhood will stay beautiful in their own mind and memorable memories. 鲁迅的《朝花夕拾》,原名是叫做《旧事重提》,是对逝去岁月的回忆,有真挚的情怀,有无奈的感伤。 Lu Xun's "Chaohuaxishi", originally called a "revisit" is a passing away Memories of the Past, with sincere feelings of helplessness of the sentimental. 欢快的时候,我感到有沁人心脾的馨香袭来;郁闷不乐的时候,我感到无名的寂寞前来吞噬。 Cheerful, I felt the refreshing fragrance of the strikes; depressed is not music, I feel lonely come to devour unknown. 这一切,确实是能真切的感受得到的。 All this is indeed true feelings can get.  在这本书中,鲁迅将自己在童年中难忘的人和难忘的事,用真实、天真、有趣的话语表达出来。 In this book, Lu Xun in his memorable childhood and memorable event, with the real, innocent, interesting words to express. 鲁迅的童年并不是美好的。 Lu Xun's childhood was not good. 他做的每件事都得不到长辈的认同,这使他感到很难过。 Everything he did not agree with their elders, which makes him feel very sad. 但是他没有怨恨这些不认同他的长辈,而是将这些长辈的不认同改为动力,写入这本书里。 But he did not grudge them do not agree with his elders, but will not agree with such emotional power instead, write this book. 他在这书中,把童年的无奈和寂寞释放出来。 He did in this book, the childhood helplessness and loneliness released. 读过它后,我能感受到在鲁迅的童年虽然并不很开心和快乐,但也时时刻刻充满着美好的回忆。 Read it, I can feel in Lu Xun's childhood, while not very happy and happy, but always full of wonderful memories. 鲁迅的童年是五味俱全的。 Lu Xun's childhood flavors and taste of. 既有酸甜,也有苦辣,更少不了有咸。 Both sweet and sour, there Kula, not least there is salty. 而我们的童年也一样的。 Our childhood is the same. 即使过得不怎么好,但童年永远会在我们心灵的最深处,永远埋藏在属于它的地方,留下美好难忘的记忆。 Even if flies very well, but childhood will always be the deepest in our hearts, forever buried in a place belonging to it, leaving a beautiful unforgettable memories.  《朝花夕拾》的取材,包含着深广的社会历史内容,具有丰富的思想意义,表现了鲁迅对半封建半殖民地社会生活的深刻认识和他那反帝反封建彻底的革命精神。 "Zhaohuaxishi" and drawn, including a broad and deep social and historical content, have a rich ideological significance of the performance of the Lu Xun semifeudal and semicolonial profound understanding of social life, and his radical anti-imperialist revolutionary spirit. 他写人物,带有强烈的时代感;记事件,则透过现象提示其深刻的社会本质;发言论、抒感情,则无不闪射着思想的火花! He has written characters, with a strong sense of the times; remember the incident, suggesting, through the phenomenon of profound social nature; fat remarks, to express feelings, there was no non-Shan She sparks a thought!  真是一本好书 Is really a good book  这样可以看懂吧。我觉得汉字后面翻英文好认点 你也可以改一点

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