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请问free capacity 是什么意思啊,急用

2024-12-16 07:11:41 编辑:zane 浏览量:594

请问free capacity 是什么意思啊,急用


请问free capacity 是什么意思啊,急用

免费的生产力、空闲的生产力 capacity[美] [kəˈpæsətɪ] [英] [kəˈpæsiti] 名词容量,容积[不可数名词][S]The theater has a seating capacity of 800. 这个剧场可容纳八百名观众。资格,地位,职位[可数名词]He said that in the capacity as mayor. 他是以市长的身份说那番话的。能力,才能,接受能力,理解力[可数名词][不可数名词][(+for)]He has a great capacity for learning languages. 他学语言的能力很强。能量,生产力[不可数名词][S]The auto plant now has an annual capacity of 12,000 cars. 这家汽车厂现在每年能生产一万二千辆汽车。free及物动词使解脱[O2]使自由;解放[(+from)]Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves. 亚伯拉罕·林肯解放了奴隶。[美] [fri] [英] [friː] 形容词自由的;不受控制的He felt himself at last absolutely free. 他终于觉得自己完全自由了。【化】游离的;自由的随便的;放肆的be free with somebody 对某人放肆慷慨的;大手大脚的[F][(+with)]He is free with his money. 他花钱大手大脚。自然的;流畅的;优美的He walked with a free gait. 他走路步态潇洒。无...的[F][(+from/of)]The lake is free of pollution. 这湖没有污染。未固定的;松开的[Z]Tie this end to the pole but leave the other end free. 将这一端系在柱子上,让另一端松开着。畅通的All students have free access to the library. 所有学生都可自由进入图书馆。闲置的;未被占用的[Z]Is that seat free? 那个座位有人吗?空闲的[Z]I'm quite free this evening. 我今晚没有事。免费的[Z][(+of)]They enjoy free medical care. 他们享受免费医疗。随意的,不受约束的[+to-v]You are free to criticize my work. 你可以随意批评我的工作。副词松开着;脱开着The horse broke free. 马挣脱了缰绳。无约束地Don't let the dogs run free. 别让狗到处乱跑。免费地Children are admitted free. 孩子们免费入场。

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