

2024-12-07 05:15:19 编辑:zane 浏览量:606




interest 英 ['ɪnt(ə)rɪst] 美 ['ɪntrəst] n. 兴趣,爱好;利息;趣味;同行vt. 使……感兴趣;引起……的关心;使……参与词组短语:interest in对…有兴趣of interest有…兴趣;权益的转易interest rate[经]利率英文解释及例句:1.N-UNCOUNT If you have an interest in something, you want to learn or hear more about it. 兴趣例:There has been a lively interest in the elections in the last two weeks.过去两周人们对选举一直有强烈的兴趣。She'd liked him at first, but soon lost interest.最初她喜欢过他,但很快就失去了兴趣。2.N-COUNT Your interests are the things that you enjoy doing. 爱好例:Encourage your child in her interests and hobbies.鼓励你的孩子发展她的兴趣和爱好。3.V-T If something interests you, it attracts your attention so that you want to learn or hear more about it or continue doing it. 使感兴趣例:Your financial problems do not interest me.我对你的财务问题不感兴趣。4.V-T If you are trying to persuade someone to buy or do something, you can say that you are trying to interest them in it. 引起 (购买或做某事) 的意愿例:Can I interest you in a new car?我给你介绍一下新车,你感兴趣吗?5.N-COUNT If something is in the interests of a particular person or group, it will benefit them in some way. 利益例:Did those directors act in the best interests of their club?那些董事们是从他们俱乐部的最大利益出发而行动的吗?6.N-COUNT You can use interests to refer to groups of people who you think use their power or money to benefit themselves. 利益集团例:The government accused unnamed "foreign interests" of inciting the trouble.政府不点名地指责一些“外国利益集团”煽动骚乱。7.N-COUNT A person or organization that has an interest in an area, a company, a property or in a particular type of business owns stock in it. 股权例:My father had many business interests in Vietnam.我父亲在越南有许多公司股权。8.N-COUNT If a person, country, or organization has an interest in a possible event or situation, they want that event or situation to happen because they are likely to benefit from it. 利害关系例:The West has an interest in promoting democratic forces in Eastern Europe.西方国家在促使东欧民主力量壮大中有利害关系。9.N-UNCOUNT Interest is extra money that you receive if you have invested a sum of money. Interest is also the extra money that you pay if you have borrowed money or are buying something on credit. 利息例:Does your current account pay interest?你的活期存款账户计息吗?10.→see also interested , interesting , compound interest , self-interest , vested interest11.PHRASE If you do something in the interests of a particular result or situation, you do it in order to achieve that result or maintain that situation. 为了…的利益例:...a call for all businessmen to work together in the interests of national stability.…为了国家稳定而向所有商人发出的共同合作的号召。

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