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英语作文《money is not everything》

2024-11-30 23:58:22 编辑:zane 浏览量:611

英语作文《money is not everything》



英语作文《money is not everything》

Money is not everything Since ancient times,money is the pursuit of everyone.Regardless of people of all ages and both sexes,for money,they all have a special feeling.Some people are greedy,they have a crazy obsession with money.


But other people,money means nothing to them.In my opinions,I think money have many function,but money is not everything. In our daily life,money can buy something that we want.If we didn’t have money,we wouldn’t do anything.


When we have a cold,we need money to buy medicine;When we are hungry,we need money to buy food;of course,we also need money to buy clothes,whether it is cold or in order to be beautiful.


It seems that money is equal to anything,but this is not the case.When we face to face with death,money is powerless.Not only so,money can’t buy time,can’t buy love.So even you are rich,you also should cherish time , love and so on.After all,money is not everything.


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