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求乔治男孩(Boy George)的一首歌名

2024-09-29 08:31:47 编辑:zane 浏览量:582

求乔治男孩(Boy George)的一首歌名


求乔治男孩(Boy George)的一首歌名

Boy George and Culture Club - Time Don't put your head on my shoulderSink me in a river of tearsThis could be the best place yetBut you must overcome your fearsChorus:In time it could have been so much moreThe time is precious I knowIn time it could have been so much moreThe time have nothing to showBecause time won't give me timeAnd time makes lovers feelLike they've got something realBut you and me we knowThey've got nothing but timeAnd time won't give me timeWon't give me timeDon't make me feel any colderTime is like a clock of my heartTouch we touch was the heat too muchI felt I lost you from the startChorus (Repeat to end)以上是我听到的版本个别词:They've 、 we’ve 等略有差别,请再核对。新年快乐

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