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预见未来 英文影评

2024-12-26 02:38:18 编辑:zane 浏览量:559

预见未来 英文影评


预见未来 英文影评

Nicholas Cage is Cris Johnson, a Las Vegas magician with more to his act than people think. Johnson can see HIS future. No one else's, just his own and only 2 minutes ahead. This mean he can see various different outcomes of his reactions and movements, he can avoid every punch during a fight, every bullet coming at him, and it means a lot of flash forwards in the film but somehow the film makers don't make it tedious or annoying. Cage is good in the role and he always manages to make an action film riveting even though ultimately he is always Nicholas Cage and doesn't really have a wide spectrum of acting ability in my opinion. He is still good at what he does. Julianne Moore is another actress I've never been a huge fan of. I usually find her a little monotonous and almost boring but she actually really caught my eye as tough as nails FBI Agent Callie Ferris. I really liked watching her and Cage team up and they have terrific chemistry. She was also a really strong female character and did a great job of balancing out Cage's macho character. Then we have Miss Jessica Biel, a current Hollywood It girl and I have to say that I don't know why. I will go on record as saying Biel has very little talent in front of the camera and Next is really no exception. Her and Cage have very little chemistry considering she is Cage's destiny and the love of his life. I find her performances over done and forced and she just doesn't bring a lot to the table and she doesn't hold her own against Cage or Moore in the acting arena. A much better actress could have really added to the role.I think this is the type of action film I could watch again and again and should perhaps be an action classic because there was just a lot of great scenes including Cage's fight...or lack thereof with Biel's ex-boyfriend, Cage's clever escape from the casino, and his dodging bullets when he is shot at. The entire premise of the film is just damn cool to put it bluntly. I wish the film had done better because I would have loved to have seen a sequel and in fact I think the premise of the film would make a terrific Television Series and I think a really talented TV actor could pick up from Cage's performance. All in all the film is one of the better action movies I have seen and a great plot. Director Lee Tamahori has a knack for making really great films that don't necessarily get the respect or attention they deserve including The Edge with Anthony Hopkins, and Along Came A Spider with Morgan Freeman and now this. I think he has something really big coming for him in the future because his films are terrific including this one.

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