

2024-08-18 18:47:08 编辑:zane 浏览量:641




Psalm 128 (Blest are those who love you) R/全体. Blest are those who love you, happy those who follow you,爱你的人是幸福的,跟随你的人是快乐的 blest are those who seek you, O God. 追寻你的人是神圣的,啊,主啊Happy all those who fear the Lord, and walk in God’s pathway. 那些惧怕统治者而追随主的人是幸福的You will find what you long for, 你会得到你渴望的the riches of our God. 我们的主的所有财富R/全体. Blest are those who love you, happy those who follow you, blest are those who seek you, O God. Your spouse shall be like a fruitful vine 你的爱人会像多产的葡萄树in the midst of your home, 屋子中your children flourish like olive plants 你的孩子如橄榄枝般健康旺盛rejoicing at your table. 在你的桌边欢呼R/全体. Blest are those who love you, happy those who follow you, blest are those who seek you, O God. May the blessings of God be yours 上帝的祝福会降临于你all the days of your life, 在你生命的每一天may the peace and the love of God 上帝的平和与爱live always in your heart. 在你的心中永生R/全体. Blest are those who love you, happy those who follow you, blest are those who seek you, O God.

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