

2024-08-14 20:42:32 编辑:zane 浏览量:560




歌曲:Wonderland歌手:郑秀妍所属专辑:1989Flashing lights and we耀眼的光芒闪入Took a wrong turn and we我们转错了弯Fell down a rabbit hole.而后陷入了一个兔子洞You held on tight to me你紧紧依偎著我'Cause nothing's as it seems因为一切都不像其表面所示I'm spinning out of control.我正极速失控中Didn't they tell us don't rush into things?他们没告诉我们别匆匆闯入吗Didn't you flash your green eyes at me?你没用你绿色的眼眸看著我吗Haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds?你没听说过有些东西原来只是好奇心理吗?Ooooo呜呜Didn't it all seem new and exciting?噢~,这一切不是都全新且让人兴奋吗?I felt your arms twisting 'round me我感觉到你的臂膀绕在我身上I should have slept with one eye open at night.我本来应该一只眼睛睁著睡觉的We found wonderland我们发现了仙境You and I got lost in it我俩迷路其中And we pretended it could last forever而我们自欺这一切能持续永久aye诶We found wonderland我们发现了仙境You and I got lost in it我俩迷路其中And life was never worse but never better这里的生活极度糟糕但也极度美好aye aye诶Aye诶In wonderland在仙境之中Aye诶In wonderland在仙境之中Aye诶In wonderland在仙境之中Aye诶In wonderland在仙境之中So we went on our way因此我们踏上征途To and left a thing straight把所有事抛之脑后All alone or so it seemed.我俩看似孤身二人But there were strangers watching但有陌生人在注视著我们And whispers turned to talking他们由窃窃私语变成正常讲话And talking turned to screams.由正常讲话变得尖叫起来Oooooh呜呜Didn't they tell us don't rush into things?他们没告诉我们别匆匆闯入吗Didn't you flash your green eyes at me?你没用你绿色的眼眸看著我吗Didn't you calm my fears with the Cheshire cat smile?你没有用咧嘴的笑颜安抚我的恐惧吗?Ooooo呜呜Didn't it all seem new and exciting?这一切不是都全新且让人激动吗?I felt your arms twisting 'round me我感觉到你的臂膀绕在我身上It's all fun and games 'til somebody loses their mind.直到有人丢失心智之前这还是尽情的欢乐和游戏But darling, we found wonderland我们发现了仙境You and I got lost in it我俩迷路其中And we pretended it could last forever而我们自欺这一切能持续永久aye诶We found wonderland我们发现了仙境You and I got lost in it我俩迷路其中And life was never worse but never better这里的生活极度糟糕但也极度美好Aye Aye诶诶Aye诶诶In wonderland在仙境之中Aye诶诶In wonderland在仙境之中Aye诶诶In wonderland在仙境之中Aye诶诶In wonderland在仙境之中I reached for you but you were gone我来寻你,但你消失不见I knew I had to go back home我知道我必须回到家中You search the world for something else to make you feel like what we had你寻遍世界,只为寻得一物能让你再次感受当日所闻And in the end in wonderland we both went mad.最后在仙境中我俩双双变得疯狂Oooooh哦哦We found wonderland我们发现了仙境You and I got lost in it我俩迷路其中And we pretended it could last forever (last forever)我俩自欺这能持续永远aye aye诶诶We found wonderland我们发现了仙境You and I got lost in it (got lost in it)我俩迷路其中And life was never worse but never better (never better)这里的生活极度糟糕但也极度美好aye aye诶诶We found wonderland我们发现了仙境You and I got lost in it (wonderland)我俩迷路其中And we pretended it could last forever (in wonderland)而我俩自欺这能持续永远We found wonderland我们发现了仙境You and I got lost in it (wonderland)我俩迷路其中And life was never worse but never better这里的生活极度糟糕但也极度美好In wonderland在仙境之中

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