

2025-01-25 21:35:01 编辑:zane 浏览量:597




相传,中秋节起源于嫦娥奔月的神话故事,传说射日英雄后羿巧遇王母娘娘求得不死药,交给爱妻嫦娥珍藏,被小人蓬蒙偷窥伺机抢夺,危急之时嫦娥吞下不死药,无奈飞升到离地球最近的月亮上成了仙,从此后羿只能在中秋月圆之时登高,遥望月中嫦娥,并摆上圆圆的饼和圆圆的蛋品,寄相思之情。According to legend, the origin of the festival in the moon myth, legend of heroHou Yi meets Wang Mu empress radio obtained immortality drug, give wifeChang'e treasure, Peng Meng to snatch is peeping, critical time of Chang'eswallowed the medicine, but up to the nearest to the Earth Moon to become an immortal, and Hou Yi only in the mid autumn full moon when climbing, overlooking the months for the moon, and the top round cake and a round egg, send Acacia.此后,每年的中秋月圆之夜就成了我国传统的中秋节,由于中秋节以月圆为象征,所以中秋节又被称为“团圆节”,这天人们登高吟诗、泛舟赏月、品月饼、吃团圆蛋等,共庆佳节人团圆。Since then, the annual mid autumn full moon night became China's traditional Mid Autumn Festival, the moon as a symbol of Mid Autumn Festival to, so the Mid Autumn Festival is also known as "Reunion", when people climbing poems,boating on the moon, the moon cake, happy to eat eggs, celebrate the festivalreunion.中秋之夜,月色皎洁,家人团聚,古人把圆月视为团圆的象征,更是以圆月来寄托深情。蛋圆似月,古往今来就是象征团圆的吉祥食品,蛋圆人团圆。中秋节素来有吃月饼和吃团圆蛋的习俗,圆圆的月饼和圆圆的蛋,是象征吉祥团圆的食品,又是中秋节人们相互表达祝福的纽带。Mid autumn night, the moonlight is bright, the family reunion, the moon as a symbol of reunion, is the full moon to express affection. Egg round like a month,from ancient to modern times is a symbol of reunion auspicious food, egg circlereunion. The Mid Autumn Festival has always been eat moon cake and reunionbread, the round moon cakes and round eggs, is the symbol of auspiciousreunion of the food, it is the Mid Autumn Festival people express blessings bond.团圆佳节,送上一份神丹团圆蛋,品着团圆的滋味,感受思念的情浓。Reunion festival, send a god Dan reunion eggs, with the reunion of the taste, feel the miss of love.

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