

2025-01-22 15:56:05 编辑:zane 浏览量:542




1、中文:上海海关大楼是1891年拆除旧屋,于1893年建成一座英国建筑师设计、浦东川沙匠人杨斯盛主持建造的3层砖木结构的英国哥特式楼房。1925年又拆除旧屋重建,于1927年底落成,即现大楼,与雍容典雅的汇丰银行大齐肩并列,相得益彰,被称为汇丰银行的“姐妹楼”。   上海海关大楼面临外滩的一端高8层,上冠三层高的四面钟楼,西部5层,均为钢架结构。东部墙面用花岗石砌筑,西部1、2层石砌,3、4层镶褐色面砖。正面1、2层处理似底座,粗石墙面,入口处为典型的希腊多立安柱门廊。7层上方又挑出的高大檐口。   入口大厅藻井以彩色马赛克相拼的帆影海事图案为饰,甚为精美。建筑上部具有装饰艺术派建筑特色。钟楼旗杆位置在地理坐标东经121°29′0.02″,北纬31°14′20.38″,为上海地理位置的标志点,同时也外滩建筑中上最气派最大者。钟楼则为歌特式,有十层楼高,是仿美国国会大厦的大钟制造,在美国造好后运到上海组装。据说花了白银2千多两,是亚洲第一大钟,也是世界著名大钟之一。海关大楼巍然屹立在浦江之滨,它那铿锵、激昂的钟声象征着庄严,象征着使命。 2、英文:Shanghai customs house is tearing down the old house in 1891, and completed in 1893 a British architect design, pudong ChuanSha builders YangSiCheng presided over the three layers of bricky timberwork building of British gothic buildings. 1925 years and tearing down the old houses rebuilt, in the end of 1927, that is now building, completed elegance and elegant HSBC big shoulder-length hair, bring out the best in each other, tied for HSBC is called the "sisters floor". Shanghai customs house facing one end of the bund high 8 layer, on all three stories of the crown, and the western 5 layer, the clock tower are steel structure. The eastern wall with granite building, the western 1, 2, 3, 4 layer stone layer set brown brick. Positive 1, 2 layer handles like a base, thick stonewalling, typical of the entrance face Greece many made AnZhu porch. 7 layers above and pick out the tall cornice. Entrance hall with color in the ceiling Mosaic of maritime pattern making spell for decoration, elegant is. Building the upper have adornment art sent architecture. The clock tower the pole position in the geographic coordinates longitude 121 ° 29 '0.02 ", latitude 31 ° 14' 20.38 ", for the Shanghai location, and also using the most magnificent buildings along the upper attributes. The clock tower is gothic, have ten stories high, is copy the United States Capitol clock manufacturing, built in the United States after good to Shanghai assembly. It is said that took silver more than 2000, is the first two Asian clock, is the world famous clock one. Customs house stands on the coast of the huangpu river, layouts, and the sonorous, feelings of the bell symbolizes the solemn, a symbol of the mission.

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