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white day是什么意思

2024-09-19 09:16:46 编辑:zane 浏览量:592

white day是什么意思


white day是什么意思

white day[英][hwait dei][美][hwaɪt de]n.吉日,吉利的日子,良辰吉日,; 例句:1.For me, march in japan was one of the loveliest months of the year, with the arrival of the cherry blossom at the end of the month and the hina-matsuri festival at the start, with white day in between and my birthday on the 27th ( I was 49 three weeks ago). 对我而言,3月是日本一年中最美好的月份月底有樱花、月初有女儿节、中间有白色情人节,27号还是我的生日(几周前我刚刚过了49岁生日)。

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