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far and away的意思与用法

2024-09-19 08:55:56 编辑:zane 浏览量:560

far and away的意思与用法


far and away的意思与用法

形容词 1.远的;遥远的;久远的 Manchester is farther from London than Oxford is. 曼彻斯特比牛津离伦敦远。 How far is it from your office to the bank? 你的办公室离银行多远? 2.较远的;那一边的;对面的[B][Z] He lived on the far side of the hill. 他住在山的那一边。 3.(政治立场)极端的[B] He belongs to the far left. 他属于极左派。 副词 ad. 1.远;遥远地;久远地 It happened far back in the past. 这事发生在久远的过去。 He didn't go far. 他没有走远。 2.到很深的程度;到很远的距离[(+into)] He often works far into the night. 他常常工作到深夜。 They went far into the forest to pursue the wounded bear. 他们深入森林,追捕那只受伤的熊。 3.到很大程度;很;极 It turned out far better than I had expected. 结果比我预料的好得多。 The room was small and contained far too much furniture. 房间太小,而家具太多。 名词 n. 1.远方;远处[U] You haven't far to go now. 现在你无需走很远了。

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