

2024-10-11 09:47:32 编辑:zane 浏览量:528




我给您较像歌词的翻译吧!! 双眼就算没有电力 至少黑白还能认得清 双腿就算没有黄金比例 可也踩出笔直的脚印 Although the eyes are not mesmerizing as can be At least the black and white are there to see Although the legs are not proportioned perfectly Still they can leave footprints decently 有一万个勇气 已经就是冠军 有一万个爱心 已经就是冠军 As courageous as you can be You are a champion already As caring as you can be You are a champion already 生活这场选美 要多美丽有多美丽 我想我们快快乐乐做自己 Life as a contest of beauty It’s beautiful as it can be Let’s be what we are happily 你也不是宇宙小姐 何必非要三头六臂 我也不是世界小姐 重点笨点也没关系 她也不是友谊小姐 所以可以乱发脾气 谢天谢地我们是最普通的唯一 Miss universe you’re not to be You needn’t be extraordinary Miss world I’m not to be It doesn’t matter how plump and dumb I’ll be Miss friendship she’s not to be That’s why temperamental she can be Thank God each of us is unique most ordinarily 又在认真努力 已经就是冠军 又在认真学习 已经就是冠军 Again striving seriously You are a champion already Again studying seriously You are a champion already 生活这场选美 要多聪明 我想我们简简单单做自己 Life as a contest of beauty How smart we should be Let’s be what we are simply 你也不是宇宙小姐 何必非要三头六臂 我也不是世界小姐 重点笨点也没关系 她也不是友谊小姐 所以可以乱发脾气 谢天谢地我们是最普通的唯一 Miss universe you’re not to be You needn’t be extraordinary Miss world I’m not to be It doesn’t matter how plump and dumb I’ll be Miss friendship she’s not to be That’s why temperamental she can be Thank God each of us is unique most ordinarily sister,sister,sister ●●●● 生活选美总在继续 要有多美才能得第一 赢了真心就很不容易 敢爱是永远做自己 Life is continuing as a contest of beauty To be a champion how pretty one should be True love won is already not easy To be yourself is to love boldly 你也不是宇宙小姐 何必非要三头六臂 我也不是世界小姐 重点笨点也没关系 她也不是友谊小姐 所以可以乱发脾气 谢天谢地我们是最普通的唯一 Miss universe you’re not to be You needn’t be extraordinary Miss world I’m not to be It doesn’t matter how plump and dump I'll be Miss friendship she’s not to be That’s why temperamental she can be Thank God each of us is unique most ordinarily 又在认真努力 要做自己 又在认真学习 要做自己 Again striving seriously To be yourself exactly Again studying seriously To be yourself exactly 生活这场选美 要多聪明 有多幸运我们是最普通的唯一 Life as a contest of beauty How smart we should be How lucky each of us is unique most ordinarily.

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