

2024-06-20 21:13:52 编辑:zane 浏览量:528




iPod: Proper charging procedures for Windows 2000 iPod:使用Windows 2000操作系统的正确充电步骤Last Modified on: November 13, 2006 最后更新于:2006年11月13日Article: 304801 文章编号:304801Please follow these steps to properly charge any iPod on a Windows 2000 system. 请遵照如下步骤正确使用Windows 2000系统为任何一款iPod充电Connect the iPod to the Windows 2000 computer. 把iPod连接到有Windows 2000系统的电脑Select the iPod in the Source pane in iTunes. 在iTune的“Source”(来源)方格中选中iPodClick the Settings tab for the iPod. 点击iPod的“Settings”(设置)标签Click the check box for "Enable Disk Use" (you may need to scroll down to see this setting). 点击选中“Enable Disk Use”(允许硬盘使用),(你也许需要下拉滚动条以看到这个选项)Click Apply.点击“Apply”(应用) Note: You will need to manually eject the iPod when you're ready to disconnect it. Once "Enable Disk Use" is selected, the setting will stay and you do not have to perform these steps again. If Enable Disk Use is not selected, the iPod will not charge when connected to a computer with Windows 2000. 注意:当需要断开连接时,你需要人工拔除iPod。一旦选中了“允许硬盘使用”,这个设置会自动保留,下次使用时不必再重复这些步序。如果没有选中“允许硬盘使用”,iPod在连接到Windows 2000系统后无法充电。(***我想你的问题应该就是出在这里***)Related documents 相关文献60970: "iPod: About the battery charge status icon" 60970:iPod:关于电池充电状态图标61434: "Tips and tricks to get the most out of your iPod's battery" 61434:如何最有效使用iPod电池的技巧与敲门60941: "iPod's battery doesn't charge"60941:iPod的电池无法充电 61127: "Charging your iPod battery" 61127:为你的iPod电池充电Keywords: ktech kipodwin kipod1 kipod2 kipod3 kipod4 kipodphoto kipodmini kipodmini2 kshuffle kshuffle2 kipodnano kipodnano2 kipod5关键字:略

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