求eminem 的till i collapse歌词翻译。
的有关信息介绍如下:"Till I Collapse" 直到我崩溃 (feat. Nate Dogg) (伴唱.纳特·多狗) [Intro:] [前奏] 'Cause sometimes you feel tired, feel weak, 你有时疲惫,有时虚弱, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up. 力不从心的时候,你会想到要放弃。 But you gotta search within you, 但你必须不断寻觅, you gotta find that inner strength 寻觅内心的力量 and just pull that shit out of you 把所有烦恼都抛弃 and get that motivation to not give up 得到永不放弃的动力 and not be a quitter, 不要半途而废, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse. 无论你多想倒下,濒临崩溃边缘。 [B/W Intro:] [前奏] Yo left, yo left, yo left right left 左,左,左右左 Yo left, yo left, yo left right left 左,左,左右左 Yo left, yo left, yo left right left 左,左,左右左 Yo left, yo left, yo left right left 左,左,左右左 [Verse #1:] [第一段] Till I collapse I spilling these raps long as you feel em 在我崩溃之前,我一直唱饶舌歌,希望你们感觉到。 Till the day that I drop you'll never say that I'm not killing them 在我放弃之前,你永远不会那么说,毕竟我没害他们。 Cause when I am not then I am stop pinning them 因为我没有,所以不再信任他们。 And I am not hip-hop and I just not Eminem. 我不跳街舞,也不是阿姆内。 Subliminal thoughts when I'm stop sending them women are caught in webs spin and hauk venom 当我不再发送潜意识,女人就困在蛛网和毒液里。 Adrenaline shots of penicillin could not get the illing to stop. Amoxacilin is just not real enough. 注射肾上腺素青霉素也不能解毒,阿莫西林也不够。 The criminal cop killing hip-hop filling minimal swap to cop millions of Pac listeners. 刑警谋杀说唱乐,赶走百万名听众。 Your coming with me, feel it or not you gonna fear it like I showed you the spirit of god lives in us. 跟我来,你将感觉到上帝的精神与我们同在。 You hear it a lot, lyrics the shock is it a miracle or am I just a product of pop fizzing up. 歌词听得越多,震撼越多。它是奇迹吗,我是流行音乐的产物吗? For shizzle my whizzle this is the plot listen up you bizzles forgot slizzle does not give a fuck. 这是自己的事,情节如此,听自己的话,忘记一切,微不足道。 [Chorus - NateDogg] [合声 - 纳特多狗] Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out 直到屋顶塌下来,直到灯火都熄灭。 Till my legs give out, can shut my mouth. 直到双腿都报废,那时我才会闭嘴。 Till the smoke clears out - am I high? Perhaps 直到烟火散尽 - 我很拽吗?也许吧。 I'ma rip this shit till my bone collapse. 我要毁掉这一切,直到有天我崩溃。 Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out 直到屋顶塌下来,直到灯火都熄灭。 Till my legs give out, can shut my mouth. 直到双腿都报废,那时我才会闭嘴。 Till the smoke clears out and my high burn out 直到烟火散尽,名誉扫地。 I'ma rip this shit till my bone collapse. 我要毁掉这一切,直到有天我崩溃。 [Verse #2:] [第二段] Music is like magic there a certain feeling you get when your real and you spit and people are feeling your shit. 音乐就象魔法,当世人鄙视你的时候,只有它让你感觉真实。 This is your moment and every single minute you spend trying to hold onto it 这是你的时间,每分每秒都要紧紧抓住。 cause you may never get it again. 因为此刻时光一去不返。 So while you in it try to get as much shit as you can 当你陶醉其中,就要尽情享受。 and when your run is over just admit when its at its end. 当你挥霍一空,就要面对现实。 Cause I'm at the end of my wits with half this shit that gets in. 我已绞尽脑汁,骑虎难下。 I got a list here's the order of my list that it's in. 我有一份榜单,排名顺序如下。 It goes, Reggie, Jay-Z, Tupac and Biggie, Andre from Outcast, Jada, Kurupt, Nas and then me. 上面写着,里基,杰仔,图帕克和比基,流浪汉安德鲁,贾达,库拉普特,纳司,还有我。 But in this industry I'm the cause of a lot of envy, 但我身在这行,难免引人嫉妒, so when I not put on this list the shit does not offend me. 如果我不上榜,就不会犯众怒。 That's why you see me walk around like nothing's bothering me. 所以我常闲逛,看似无忧无虑。 Even though half you people got a fucking problem with me. 但你们这群鸟人,总要找我麻烦。 You hate it but you know respect you got to give me 就算你讨厌我,那也得尊重我。 The press's wet dream like Bobby and Whitney. Nate hit me. 就象狗仔对缠着波比和惠妮。纳特打了我。 [Chorus - NateDogg] [合声 -纳特多狗] [Verse #3:] [第三段] Soon as a verse starts I eat it at MC heart 一段歌声响起,我在麦当劳总店吃东西 what is he thinking? How not to go against me? Smart. 他在想些什么?不是要整我吧?算他聪明。 And its absurd how people hang on every word. 人们每个字的发音都相当古怪 Il probably never get the props I feel I ever deserve 我永远得不到支持,这也是活该 But Il never be served my spot is forever reserved 永远轮不到我,我的观点无处表达 If I ever leave earth that would be the death of me first. 如果逃离地球,那我肯定得死 Cause in my heart of hearts I know nothing could ever be worse. 因为在我内心,我知道没有什么比死更糟糕的了。 That why I clever when I put together every verse 我把歌词连起来,显得自己更聪明 My thoughts are sporadic, I act like I an addict 我思维断断续续,行为象个瘾君子 I rap like I addicted to smack like I Kim Mathers. 我唱饶舌歌上瘾,风格酷似金·马瑟 But I don want to go forth and back in constant battles 但我不想在无休止的战争中翻来覆去 The fact is I would rather sit back and bomb some rappers. 事实上我宁愿养精蓄锐,然后炸死一群说唱歌手 So this is like a full blown attack I launching at them 所以这是我对他们的预谋袭击