的有关信息介绍如下:1)[not before noun]busy doingsomething(不做定语放于名词前)忙于干某事occupied with something忙于某事occupied (in) doing/with (doing) something忙于干某事His time wasoccupied with the children.他的时间都用于照顾孩子了。She's fullyoccupied with work.工作让她忙得不可开交。The museum hasenough exhibits to keep anyone occupied for an hour or two.博物馆的藏品数量足够让任何一个人观赏一两个小时。I kept myselfoccupied by watching television.为了不让人闲着,我就一直看电视。2) [not before noun]abed, chair, room etc. that is occupied is being used(不做定语放于名词前)已被占用的,有人使用的Sorry, thisseat is occupied.抱歉,这个座位有人了。3)an occupied place is controlled by an army from another country地方被站领的,遭侵占occupiedterritories占领区