

2024-11-07 18:58:47 编辑:zane 浏览量:584



求职信:application letter Examples: 1. 在求职信的开头一定要说明你要求某某工作, 理由是.... Always say at the start of an application that you're applying for such-and-such (a job) because... 2. 我写了五份求职信,但一无所获。 I wrote five applications for jobs but got nothing. 3. 寄一封手写的申请信或求职信。 Send a letter of application in your own handwriting.Received a flood of applications. 收到大量的求职信 I wrote five applications for jobs but got nothing. 我写了五份求职信,但一无所获。 Send a letter of application in your own handwriting. 寄一封手写的申请信或求职信。 So many applications were received for the post that the secretary was snowed under. 接到这么多的求职信,秘书忙得不可开交。 The unemployed engineer wrote a dozen applications for jobs but got nothing. 失业的工程师一连写了十几份求职信,但一无所获。 It is more professional to send in a typed rather than a handwritten letter of application. 更带职业性色彩的是寄打字机打的求职信,而不是寄手写的。 May I use your name as a reference? ie May I quote it, eg when I apply for a job? 我可以请您作我的荐举人吗?(我可否在求职信中把您的名字列入其中?) a message describing how something is to be done. 描述如何做谋事的信息。 An application form is enclosed in this letter. 这封信里有一份求职表。

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