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100crypts 57详细攻略,是100地牢,不是100门!满意追加!

2024-10-10 11:53:23 编辑:zane 浏览量:512

100crypts 57详细攻略,是100地牢,不是100门!满意追加!


100crypts 57详细攻略,是100地牢,不是100门!满意追加!

100 Crypts Level 57 Walkthrough4 different notes rotate on top4 blue circles with 0 number and on each circle there’s a music instrument :1. trumpet2. gramophone3. harp4. violinhint : count how many times each note rotate before changing directions, and look at the swirl below each note100 crypts level 57 solution :the note will rotate : 6x 9x 4x 8xnow take a look for the swirl :1st note = harp2nd note = trumpet3rd note = violin4th note = gramophoneso using these order, change the numbers on blue circles (left to right) :9 – 8 – 6 – 4貌似是看音符旋转的圈数但要注意旋转方向,从复位之后开始数不同颜色的线对应不同乐器和音符然后依次输入对应音符旋转的圈数从左到右依次是9-8-6-4

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