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ion 是什么意思?

2024-08-31 12:33:57 编辑:zane 浏览量:551

ion 是什么意思?


ion  是什么意思?

ion: [ 'aiən ] n. 离子例句与用法: 1. A crystal defect caused by the absence of an atom, an ion, or a molecule in a crystal lattice. 晶格空位在晶格里由于缺少一个原子、一个离子或一个分子造成晶格空位 2. A set of eight valence electrons in an atom or ion, forming a stable configuration. 八重态在一个原子或离子中,形成稳定组态的一组八个化合价电子 3. A homogenous solid formed by a repeating, three-dimensional pattern of atoms, ions, or molecules and having fixed distances between constituent parts. 晶体一种由原子、离子或分子作重复和立体型排列而形成的均质固体,在组成部分之间有固定的距离 英英解释: 名词ion:1. a particle that is electrically charged (positive or negative); an atom or molecule or group that has lost or gained one or more electrons

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