

2025-02-06 03:53:10 编辑:zane 浏览量:584




Estonian nation is formed in 12 to the 13th century. Zengxianhoubei Prussia, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Germany and other occupation and domination. From the beginning of 1710, Estonia ruled by Russia more than 200 years. February 24, 1918 declaration of independence, the establishment of the Republic of Estonia. The next day, the Germans occupied Tallinn. In November, Soviet Russia declared sovereignty of Estonia.World War late February 25, 1918, German residents of Estonia launched riots, request the German army entered Estonia. According to Brest-Litovsk March 3, 1918 the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic (Russia) signed with the German Empire, the Soviet Union will be Finland, Estonia Stellan (Estonia), Li Fulan (Latvia), Lithuania and Ukraine region was ceded to Germany, the Soviet Union and the Russian Red Guard troops withdraw from these territories. After Germany had tried to establish a joint Baltic Sea belonging to the German Empire Duchy to Mecklenburg Duke Adolf Friedrich was the Soviet Union as head of state in Estonia and Latvia ceded areas.November 1918, the German Revolution broke out in November, followed on November 11 announced the surrender. Russia took the opportunity to announce the abolition of "Brest", he tried to reclaim territory ceded to Germany. In this case, Estonia declared its independence on November 28, 1918, the domestic German residents formed a volunteer corps, and the newly formed Estonian troops to resist a Soviet Red Army and Red Guards attack. February 1, 1919, have participated in the Finnish Civil War German army general Goltz led by German soldiers formed the "Freedom Corps" Go to war aid Estonia, eventually led the Soviet government signed with Estonia in the February 2, 1920 " Tartu Peace Treaty ", the Soviet Union" unreservedly recognize Estonia's independence, and automatically ...... the people forever renounce Russia and Estonia held territory some sovereign rights. "In February 1920, Soviet Russia recognize the independence of Estonia. In August 1939, he signed a secret Soviet-German treaty, the Soviet sphere of influence assigned to Estonia.August 23, 1939, Nazi German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop and Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov signed the "Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact."According to the secret annex, the Soviet Union on September 25 to begin negotiations with Estonia, on September 28 with the signing of the treaty, made during the war and the military occupation of certain port facilities, and the right to garrison the region concerned. June 16, 1940, the Soviet Union proposed to Estonia called "ensure the implementation of the Mutual Assistance Pact and the prevention of anti-Soviet provocation" requirement, then sent troops to occupy the whole territory of Estonia, arrest their government officials, the abolition of the constitution, the establishment of a Communist government.In June 1940, the Soviet Union sent troops to Estonia, in July the same year founded the Estonian Soviet Socialist republics. August 20, 1991, Estonia from the Soviet Union, declared the restoration of independence. September 17, the United Nations declared the Member States to accept Estonia.June 14, 1941, Estonia through "referendum" was incorporated into the Soviet Union, became the republics of the Soviet Union. Soviet occupation and annexation is not recognized by the United States and Western countries, the United States also froze the bank deposited the Estonian gold in the United States.June 22, 1941 the German army invaded the Soviet Union, three weeks after German troops occupied the whole territory of Estonia. Estonian people as the German army as "liberator" and its cooperation in the Waffen SS in Estonia has also set up a division. September 1944 when the Germans retreated from Estonia, former Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia declared a president and set up a government in exile in Stockholm, Sweden, the government has been extended to 1992. World War II, Estonia lost 22 million people, equivalent to one fifth of the pre-war population. There are 80,000 people fled to the West.Because Estonians cooperation with Germany, so the Soviet Union in the late World War II was severely punished. Soviet Red Army bombed Tallinn and Narva and other cities, causing heavy civilian casualties. Also carried out mass arrests and executions after the Soviet reoccupation of Estonia. Guerrillas against the Soviet occupation of Estonia, the "Forest Brothers" has been fighting to 1948 (Lithuania, Western Ukraine guerrillas fighting similar to 1950), the last one in 1978 was only arrested guerrillas. Estonia's cooperation in order to punish people, but also to adjust the boundaries of the Soviet republics, the part of the territory transferred to Russia. From May 1949, the Soviet Union began to Siberian exile Estonians and Russians moved to change the demographic composition of the republic. To 1952, the proportion of Estonians in the republic in 1941 from 90% down to 48%.After Stalin's death, Soviet Estonia controls have been relaxed. From the late 1950s, Estonians were allowed contact with foreign countries, opened in 1960 in Tallinn to Helsinki ferry. In Estonia, Finland can freely watch TV programs. Gorbachev era, to further relax control over Estonia, the country began to appear dissident political groups and parties, such as the Estonian People's Front, the Greens, the Estonian National Independence Party and so on. November 16, 1988, the Estonian Supreme Soviet adopted a statement on the Republic enjoys sovereign independent from the Soviet Union, adopted in January 1989 the Estonian as the official language of the decree, on February 24 the same year during the first republic resumed blue black and white tricolor flag, August and November passed a new electoral law.February 24, 1990, Estonian citizens elected a member of 464 people (including 1940 after the exile of Estonians and 35 representatives) will be composed of Estonia. The new Estonian Supreme Soviet elected in March the same year announced the resumption of Estonia's sovereignty, and to enter the pre-independence "transitional period." In May that year, the Supreme Soviet announced the resumption "of the Republic of Estonia," the name of the country, and that only law passed by the Soviet approved before implementation in Estonia.August 19, 1991 the Soviet Union 8.19 coup occurred, Estonia declared its independence on August 20. Supreme Soviet Xianuode Rüütel instructions are visiting Finnish Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Government special instructions before there, in order to establish government in exile if necessary. Russian Federation on August 26 issued a statement recognizing the three Baltic states and the independent republics of the other requirements, and in particular the rights of Russia's three specified waiver modifying boundaries."8.19 coup" after the failure of the first meeting of the Council of State of the Soviet Union at the 6 September 1991 decision to admit Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania three independent and entrusted the Soviet Foreign Ministry issued a statement in support of these three republics to join the United Nations and participate as an equal member of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Russian troops withdraw from all the territory of Estonia in 1994, Estonia joined the EU in 2004 and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, in December 21, 2007 became the Schengen Member States.

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