

2025-01-12 12:47:40 编辑:zane 浏览量:615




1) to have earned somethingby good or bad actions or behaviorWhat have I done to deserve this?He deserves a reward for his efforts.他积极努力, 值得奖赏。deserve to dosomething(后接表示胜利、成功、失败之类的动词)值得干某事We didn't deserve to win, we didn't play well.我们不应获胜,我们打得不好。Then he began to grovel and wail "I deserve todie."这时他趴倒在地嚎叫道“我该死”。Those who work deserve to eat; those who do not workdeserve to starve.劳动者该得食,不劳者该挨饿。It's true she made a mistake but she hardly deserves tolose her job.她的确犯了错,但完全不至于使她丢掉工作。Richly/fully/thoroughlyetc. deserve something理该/完全/彻底值得得到the success he so richly deserves他理该得到的成功I'm sorry for the kids. They deserve better (=deserve to betreated in a better way).我为这些孩子感到难过,他们应该受到更好的待遇。deserve arest/break/holiday etc.理该休息I think we deserve a rest after all that hard work.做了这么多辛苦的工作后,我想我们理应休息一下了。Ledley deserves a place in the team.莱德利应该在队里占有一席之地。Paula deserves a special mention for all the help she hasgiven us.葆拉帮了我们这么多,应该特别提一下。I would never hit anyone, even if they deserved it.我绝不会打人,哪怕这些人活该挨揍。What has he done to deserve this punishment? 他做了什么就该得到这样的惩罚?deserve all/everything you get (=deserve any bad thingsthat happen to you)罪有应得He deserves all he gets for being so dishonest.他这么不诚实,真是罪有应得。People who are sent to prison for drunk-driving get whatthey deserve.那些酒后驾车的人被送进监狱,真是罪有应得。deserve to bedone/doing值得干,应该得到He deserved to be punished.他应受惩罚。The boy richly deserves whipping.这孩子活该挨鞭。I pity you if you think that you deserve to be helped.如果你以为你配接受帮助,我会觉得你可怜。He felt that he did not deserve to be given such a greathonor.他感到自己不配得到这样大的荣誉。The heroic deeds of Tom deserve to be recorded in lettersof gold.汤姆的英勇事迹值得大书特书。Was he humane(仁义)? Confucius said,I don't know what he did to deserve to be called humane.曰:「仁矣乎」曰:「未知;焉得仁」deserve that值得He didn't really deserve (that) she should be so kind tohim.他确实不值得她对他那么好。2) deserveconsideration/attention etc.值得考虑/注意if a suggestion,idea, or plan deserves consideration, attention etc., it is good enough to beconsidered, paid attention to etc. [= merit]建议、计划、观点等值得考虑、注意等This proposal deserves serious consideration.这个建议值得认真考虑。

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