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stand for stand out stand by什么意思

2025-01-10 19:17:10 编辑:zane 浏览量:576

stand for stand out stand by什么意思


stand for stand out stand by什么意思

stand for:代表;象征;代替;容忍  例句:  1.The letter "x" is often used to stand for an unknown number.  字母x常被用来代表一个未知数。  2.If I were you, I wouldn't stand for that sort of treatment.  如果我是你,我就不能容忍这种待遇。  stand out:突出;显著;显眼;引人注目;站出来  例句:  1.Stand out in hand-made carpets used in part or to highlight the design.  在手工地毯中多用作醒目部分或用以突出设计。  2.The dark stones stand out in stark contrast to the white snow and ice.  深色的石头与洁白的冰雪形成鲜明的对比  stand by:袖手旁观;站在旁边;待机;等待  例句:  1."I should have thought you could stand a bit of good-natured chaff by now, " hereplied.  他说:“我以为你至今为止能受得了出于善意的小小戏弄。”  2.Winterbourne learned more about her by catching hold of her small slipperybrother, and making him stand a few minutes by his side.  温德朋把她那顽皮的小弟弟硬拉过来,要他在他旁边待几分钟,又知道了一些关于她的事。

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