七下英语作业本2第27 28页答案
的有关信息介绍如下:Ⅰ.1:mutton and potapo moodles 2.a bowl of beef noodles2.chicken and cabbage dumpings 4.a small bowl of mutton noodles5.a large bowl of tomato and egg soup 6.a small bowl of fish porridgeⅡ.1.what kind of soup would you like2.one small green tea and one larde orange juice . please3.I would like a pizza with beef and mushrooms.Ⅲ.specials porridge babies mutton drinkⅠⅤ.12 87314546 fish beef carrot drink 唉。我也是闲着没事干才打这么多字的?错了,我是觉得,自己搜这些的时候都没有答案,大家都那么懒。所以。我不想让别人也这么可怜,我特意的打这些。就是为了让别人明白搜不到答案的时候是如此痛心,搜到的时候是如此愉快、、