dave hill是怎样的品牌?
的有关信息介绍如下:DAVE HILL(大卫山)秉承美国服装设计师的设计理念,传承东方男性的神韵风采。诠释男人对纯粹、放松的生活方式的追求与渴望,将体现自我、开放交流的生活理念贯穿其中,充分展示一个真正男人对服装时尚、生活时尚、工作时尚、个性时尚全方位的思考与理解!引领男士高档服装新的篇章。。。 真正的男人: 真正的男人具有积极、平衡的乐观精神,他懂得在追求成功与放松自我中寻求平衡,懂得在张扬个性与融入社会中寻找和谐。 A Real Man A real man is always maintaining a positive balance in his life. There is a balance between pursuing personal achievements and relaxation. There is a balance between individuality and socializing. 实现自我: 我通过不断积累的知识和能力来实现越来越高的自我价值。我了解自己的能力,并为此充满自信。财富只是我成就的副产品,而不是我的最终目的。 Achievements I achieve higher and higher level of self-fulfillments through my accumulated skill and knowledge. I am confident because I know my potential well. Fortune is not my ultimate purpose in life, but a by-product of my achievements. 放松身心: 在工作间隙,我知道要放松自己的心情,休息一下,保持心态和身体的健康。我用自己的好心情感染周围的人。 Relaxation I know I need breaks from time to time in my life to relax. I always maintain a positive mind and a health body. I try to make those around me happy by being happy. 开放交流 我喜欢和家人、朋友共享快乐的时光,喜欢和许多不一样的人在一起,也常常发现他们令人惊奇的优点。朋友既是事业的伙伴,也是思想伙伴。 Communication and Socializing I enjoy sharing the happy time with my friends and family. I enjoy getting to know their surprising strength and talents while living and working with them. To me the friends mean both the business partners and soul mates. 表现个性: 我喜欢表现与众不同的品味和见地,我想照我自己喜欢的方式生活,不管别人怎么样想。我拥有自己的世界。 Individuality I am open to express my ideas and show my unique taste. I live the way I like and care no matter what the irrelevant others would think of me. I own my life. DAVE HILL(大卫山)是个美国服装品牌~品牌以美国Matt Durnin为主设计师团队,根据国际服装流行趋势及色彩主流形式,开发、设计每季新款服装,其自有开发设计产品达到80%占有率,另有20%为成衣进口。本品牌自有开发服装中面料70%采用进口高档面(辅)料,另30%为自主研发面(辅)料。剪裁版型均采用亚洲版型,以适应所销售区域。其做工精良,注重品质,充分展示DAVE HILL(大卫山)品牌的时尚文化。 DAVE HILL(大卫山)品牌为崇尚放松与自由生活方式的成功男士所选择,他们成功但不张扬,他们随意但不放纵,他们内敛但不古板… DAVE HILL(大卫山)给男人充分表现个性、实现自我的广泛空间,让真正的男人放松身心、开放交流,让真正的男人追求与实现自己的梦想!