1、national higher education entrance examination。“全国大学入门考试
2、national college entrance examination。“全国大学入门考试
3、 gaokao(拼音), 这个不是中式英语,这个词已经被收录至最新版牛津词典。
MacMillan English Dictionary - American是这样解释college的:in the U.S., a place that gives students degrees. A school of this type can also be called a university if it is large enough to give degrees in more than one subject。
【例1】Media shine a spotlight on China's notoriously tough university entrance exam as millions of students prepare for the two-day test. The national college entrance exam, known as the "Gaokao", will start on Saturday.
【例2】The national college entrance exam, known as the "Gaokao", will start on Saturday.
【例】Plus Chinese students describe the pressures they face in the gaokao - their university entrance exam.
【例】More than 10 million Chinese students face one of the toughest tests of their young lives in the national college entrance exams over the next few days.
【高考状元】:the top scorer in the college entrance examination
【理科状元】:the top scorer of science
【文科状元】:the top scorer of liberal arts
【一本大学】:key universities
【985/211大学】:project 211 schools, project 985 schools
【录取通知书】:letter of admission