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carrying on 什么意思

2025-01-28 08:28:04 编辑:zane 浏览量:518

carrying on 什么意思


carrying on 什么意思

carry on 经营, 从事, 忙于Please carry on!请继续下去!Please carry on as usual while I am away.我不在时, 请照常干活。That family has carried on a hardware business for five generations.那家已经经营五金生意五代了。He carried on a bookstore in the town.他在城里开了一家书店。〈非正〉继续进行We must try to carry on as if nothing had happened.我们必须继续下去, 只当作什么都没有发生过。Carry on with your work while I'm out.我出去一下, 你接着做吧。We've carried on a correspondence for years.多年来我们一直保持通讯联系。The conversation was carried on in a cordial and friendly atmosphere.会谈是在亲切友好的气氛中进行的。We must carry on hoping for the best.我们必须继续抱最好的希望。

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