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come out和come up的区别是什么?

2025-01-13 18:34:25 编辑:zane 浏览量:536

come out和come up的区别是什么?


come out和come up的区别是什么?

看例句,意思就知道了come out 出来Come out and get some fresh air.出来吸点新鲜空气。Why is it that you've come out against the proposal he put forward?为什么你要反对他提出的建议呢?说出He came out with some funny stories.他讲了几个可笑的故事。They came out for building the hospital.他们宣布赞成建造医院。可去掉Do you think that dirty mark will come out?你说那块污迹能去掉吗?出狱; 获释It's been a long year, but he will come out next Friday.这一年真长啊, 但他下周五要出狱了。出现A new model will come out this summer.今年夏天将有新的型号问世。I came out in cold sweat.我出了一身冷汗。开花The monthly roses will come out soon.月季花很快就要开花了。出版; 发表When will the dictionary come out?那本字典什么时候出版?That year they came out with another article.那一年他们又发表了一篇文章。显像The photographs haven't come out very well.相片冲洗得不很好。结果是…; 得出答案Let me know how the voting comes out.告诉我投票结果如何。拒绝工作, 罢工The coal miners have come out for about two weeks.煤矿工人已罢工约两周了。come up 上来; 走近While we were talking, a man came up.我们正在谈话时, 一个人走了过来。发生I expect something to come up soon.我预料很快就要出事的。升起; 长出来; 响起, 刮起The sky was dark blue and clear when the moon came up.月亮出来时, 天空是深蓝色的, 非常晴朗。开庭An important witness was absent when the case came up.开庭时, 有个重要的证人没有出席。显露光泽, 开始发光The silver has come up beautifully.那银器显露出美丽的光泽。提到, 提及The project came up in their conversation.他们在谈话中提到了这项工程。

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