

2024-12-05 17:27:15 编辑:zane 浏览量:594




传说,很久很久以前,城市的边缘开满了大片大片的彼岸花——也就是曼珠沙华。守护在彼岸花身边的是两个妖精,一个是花妖叫曼珠,一个是叶妖叫沙华。他们守候了几千年的彼岸花,可是从来无法亲眼见到对方……因为花开时看不见叶子;而有叶子时却看不见花。花叶之间,始终不能相见,生生相错。可是,他们疯狂地想念着彼此,并被这种痛苦深深地折磨着。终于有一天,他们决定违背神的规定,偷偷地见一次面。Legend, long ago, the edge of the city full of large tracts of equinox flower -- namely Lycoris radiate. Guardian of the equinox flower is around two goblins, one is that the Flower Man pearl, a Ye Yao called sand china. They waited for thousands of years the equinox flower, but never see each other ... ... Because the flowers can not see leaves; and when the leaf but can not see the flowers. Mosaic, always can't meet, students. But, they frantically miss each other, and was such a painful tormented. Finally one day, they decided to violate God's provision, seeing a secretly.那一年,曼珠沙华红艳艳的花被惹眼的绿色衬托着,开得格外妖冶美丽。可是这件事,神却怪罪了下来。曼珠和沙华被打入轮回,并被诅咒永远也不能在一起,生生世世在人间受到磨难。从那以后,曼珠沙华又叫做彼岸花,意思是开放在天国的花,花的形状像一只只在向天堂祈祷的手掌,可是再也没有在城市出现过……从此,这种花只开在黄泉路上的,曼珠和沙华每一次轮回转世时,在黄泉路上闻到彼岸花的香味,就能想起前世的自己,然后发誓不再分开,却又会再次跌入诅咒的轮回。That year, Man pearl sand Hua Hong red tepals bright green background, open especially coquettish beautiful. But this thing, but God named down. Cayman beads and sand, was into the reincarnation, and was a curse can never be together, generation after generation in the world to suffer. From then on, Lycoris radiate is also called equinox flower, meaning is open in heaven's flowers, flower shape just like a the palm in praying to heaven, but never appeared in the city ... ... Since then, this flower only opens in the netherworld on the way, Cayman beads and sand, every reincarnation, in the afterlife. Smell the equinox flower fragrance, will be able to recall past lives of their own, and then vowed never to separate, but will again fall into the curse of reincarnation.【相关传说2】[2] related legend从前从前,一个长相奇丑无比的鬼爱上了一个美丽的姑娘,可正因为他丑,姑娘并不爱他,出于爱恋,他只有把姑娘囚禁起来,后来,来了一个武士,他救出了姑娘并与她相爱,而同时,武士用剑斩杀了鬼。鬼的血溅在乱草丛中,一种红黑相间的花从此便在那里绚丽地绽放开来,这种花的名字叫做“彼岸花”,从那以后,彼岸花便开在了地狱中叫“忘川” 的地方,那里是死去的人忘却今生情缘,转身投胎来世的地方…… Once upon a time, a rather ugly ghost falls in love with a beautiful girl, but because of his ugly, the girl does not love him, for he only love, the girl prisoner, later, to a samurai, he rescued the girl is in love with her, while at the same time, the samurai sword beheaded the ghost. The ghost was in a tangle, a black and white flowers from where the beautiful bloom, the flowers is called" equinox flower", from then on, equinox flower opened in hell is called" lethe" place, where there is dead person forget love this life, and in the afterlife place ... ...爱情,大概也是如此,只因为彼此爱得不同,就要葬送很多很多,也要忘却很多很多。于是,彼岸花成了来自黑暗的爱情使者,因为它见证了一段黑色的死亡。 Love, is probably the case, just because of love each other very different, will put an end to many, many to forget. Then, equinox flower became the dark angel from love, as it witnessed a period of the black death.【相关传说3】[3] related legend相传彼岸花只开于黄泉,一般认为是只开在冥界三途河边、忘川彼岸的接引之花。彼岸花如血一样绚烂鲜红,铺满通向地狱的路,且有花无叶,是冥界唯一的花。彼岸花香传说有魔力,能唤起死者生前的记忆。在黄泉路上大批大批的开着这花,远远看上去就像是血所铺成的地毯,又因其红得似火而被喻为“火照之路”,也是这长长黄泉路上唯一的风景与色彩。当灵魂渡过忘川,便忘却生前的种种,曾经的一切都留在了彼岸,往生者就踏着这花的指引通向幽冥之狱。Legend has it that the equinox flower only in the world, is generally considered the only open in the underworld three passers-by River, other side led flower. Equinox flower such as flower red with blood, the road to hell, and flower leaves, is the only flower. " Legend of a magic flower, can arouse the memory of the deceased. In the afterlife. A large number of open flowers, far looks like blood paved carpet, and because the red fire has been hailed as" as fire road", is the unique long netherworld on the way scenery and color. When the soul through the forgotten, forget his all, everything in the other side, the dead person to spend it on follow the guidelines of the prison to the dead.【相关传说4】[4] related legend曼珠沙华,又称彼岸花。一般认为是生长在三途河边的接引之花。花香传说有魔力,能唤起死者生前的记忆。 彼岸花,花开开彼岸,花开时看不到叶子,有叶子时看不到花,花叶两不相见,生生相错。相传此花只开于黄泉,是黄泉路上唯一的风景。 Lycoris radiate, also known as equinox flower. Is generally believed that the growth in three way River led flower. Legend of a magic flower, can arouse the memory of the deceased. Equinox flower, flowers open on the other side, the flowers without the leaves, leaves time fail to see the flowers, flowers and leaves of two does not meet, the students. Legend has it that the flowers only open in the world, is the only scene in the afterlife.曼珠沙华,出自法华经:本名摩诃曼陀罗华曼珠沙华,意思是,开在天界之红花,又叫做彼岸花、天涯花、舍子花,它盛开在阴历七月,花语是“悲伤的回忆”。Lycoris radiate, from the Lotus Sutra: name Maha Mandala Hua Manzhu Sha Hua, meaning, in the heaven of safflower, also called equinox flower, flower, care for you, it is in full bloom in the lunar calendar in July, meaning is" sad memories".【相关传说5】[5] related legend彼岸花---传说中冥界唯一的花 也叫引魂花 Equinox flower - the legend of the only flower also called cited the soul flower彼岸花是开在黄泉之路的花朵, Equinox flower is opened in the netherworld road flower,在那儿大批大批的开着这花, There a large number of open flowers,远远看上去就像是血所铺成的地毯, Far looks like blood paved carpet,又因其红的似火而被喻为”火照之路” Because of its red Sihuo has been hailed as" as fire road"也是这长长黄泉路上唯一的风景与色彩. Is this unique long netherworld on the way scenery and color.人就踏着这花的指引通向幽冥之狱 People spend it on follow the guidelines of the prison to the dead【相关传说6】[6] related legend相传以前有两个人名字分别叫做彼和岸,上天规定他们两个永不能相见。他们心心相惜,互相倾慕,终于有一天,他们不顾上天的规定,偷偷相见。正所谓心有灵犀一点通,他们见面后,彼发现岸是一个貌美如花的女子,而岸也同样发现彼是个英俊潇洒的青年,他们一见如故,心生爱念,便结下了百年之好,决定生生世世永远厮守在一起。Legend has it that before two people named Peter and the shore, God provided two of them never can. Their hearts, like each other, eventually one day, they disregard God's provision, secretly. What is called heart to heart, after they met, he found the shore is a beautiful woman, and shore also found Peter is a handsome youth, they hit it off, the heart love, they forged a Bainianzhihao decision generation after generation, forever together.

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