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求电影“a beautiful mind” 的英文剧情简介

2024-11-05 00:30:07 编辑:zane 浏览量:551

求电影“a beautiful mind” 的英文剧情简介


求电影“a beautiful mind” 的英文剧情简介

Jr.John Forbes Nash, a gifted math student, went into Princeton University to study math in 1947. He had never been to the preparing class of Princeton, and, didn’t have a wealthy relative who pays for him to get in Ivy League. However, the glory that the winner of the distinguished Carnegie Scholarship had proved that he was one of the top Princeton students, meanwhile was called “the mysterious West Virginia genius” by his schoolmates.  Nash was an introvert man, but he struggled to make a worthwhile contribution to serve as his legacy to the world of mathematics. Because of his character, he was laughed at by his schoolmates. Fortunately, encouraged by his roommate---- Charles, he finally worked out a revolutionary breakthrough. The theory was got the inspiration when Nash was dating some girls with his schoolmates, and proved “win win” (双赢) with math principle. The theory was called “Nash equilibrium”, which was in the face of a 150 years economic theory created by Adam Smith then but now becomes one of the basic of modern economics. Nash was only 20 years old then. Because of the great theory, Nash got a job in Wheeler Defense Labs of M.I.T(麻省理工).  In Wheeler, Nash was asked to help with breaking Soviet codes by William Parcher---- a man said himself a government employee. The task soon got him involved in a terrifying conspiracy plot; meanwhile he was fell in love and got married with his student Alicia. Nash was terribly scared becoming more and more paranoid so that he wasn’t able to live his daily life. At last, he was taken to a psychiatrist by Alicia, told that he lost the ability to differentiate imagination and reality. In fact, Charles ----his roommate in Princeton, Charles’s niece and his boss William Parcher, all these people were imaginative; they did not truly exist.  Nash’s life changed. He could not work again because of the illness and the drugs. But with the love and support from Alicia, Nash stopped the drug and retry to work on math again. He finally perfected his theory and the discovery turned his entire world upside down. He earned the Nobel Prize eventually in 1994. When he gave a speech after getting this greatest honour, he said that it is only with Alicia's help that he would be able to recover his mental strength and regain his status as the great mathematician.  The film won 4 Annual Academy Awards (The Oscar) in 2001----Best Picture, Best Director, Best Supporting Actress and Best Screenplay.

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