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求last flowers歌词意思

2024-08-14 08:32:42 编辑:zane 浏览量:634

求last flowers歌词意思


求last flowers歌词意思

Appliances have gone berserk 机械已经变得狂躁 I can't look you up 我无法再见你 Treading on people's toes Snot-nosed little punks 愤世嫉俗的朋克迷触动人们的神慧皮经 And I can't face the evening straight 我无法直面黑暗 And you can't offer me escape 你无法让我逃离 Houses move and houses speak 人们继续活着 If you take me there you'll get relief 如果带我去那,你就得到救赎 Believe, believe, believe, believe... 相信我 And if I'm gonna talk I just wanna talk 如果我想说我就会说 Please don't interrupt 请不要打断 Just sit back and listen 只需坐掘漏下倾听 Cause I can't face the evening straight 因为我无法直面黑暗 you can't offer me escape 你无法让我逃离 Houses move and houses speak 人们仍旧活着 If you take me there you'll get relief 如果带我去那,你就得到救赎 Believe, believe, believe, believe... 相信我 It'前散差s too much (对我而言)太多 Too bright 太艳丽 Too powerful 太有力

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