

2024-07-03 01:00:01 编辑:zane 浏览量:545




when i get older losing my hair,当我老去,头发掉光 ,many years from now. 很多很多年以后.will you still be sending me a valentine 你能否仍然送我情人节礼物,birthday greetings bottle of wine. 生日问候,一瓶葡萄酒~if i'd been out till quarter to three 如果我在外面呆到两点四十五,would you lock the door, 你会不会把门锁上?will you still need me, will you still feed me, 你是否仍然需要我,仍然会喂我,when i'm sixty-four. 当我六十四?you'll be older too, 你也一样会变老and if you say the word,如果你能这么说,i could stay with you. 我会和你在一起.i could be handy, mending a fuse 我会随时在你手边,修理保险丝,when your lights have gone. 如果你的灯坏掉.you can knit a sweater by the fireside 你可以在壁炉边织织毛衣,sunday mornings go for a ride,星期天早晨骑车兜一圈. doing the garden, digging the weeds,(我会)在花园干活,除掉杂草 who could ask for more. 谁还能要求更多?will you still need me, will you still feed me,你是否仍然需要我,仍然会喂我,when i'm sixty-four. 当我六十四岁的时候?every summer we can rent a cottage, 每个夏天我们可以租间房子,in the isle of wight, if it's not too dear 就在怀特岛上,如果那不太贵..we shall scrimp and save 我们得节俭一些.grandchildren on your knee 你膝盖上的孙子们,vera chuck dave Vera,Chuck和Dave.send me a postcard, drop me a line, 寄我明信片,给我写信,stating point of view 表达你的观点.indicate precisely what you mean to say就写出你想说的东西,yours sincerely, wasting away "你真诚的"(指客套话),丢到一边give me your answer, fill in a form 给我你的答案,填张表格,mine for evermore 永远属于我.will you still need me, will you still feed me, 你是否仍然需要我,仍然会喂我,when i'm sixty-four.当我六十四岁的时候?

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