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迈克尔杰克逊Who is it MV是什么意思

2024-07-19 03:33:02 编辑:zane 浏览量:571

迈克尔杰克逊Who is it MV是什么意思


迈克尔杰克逊Who is it MV是什么意思

那个MV是说MJ去他女朋友的办公室里等她 结果发现很多男人的名片 原来他的女朋友是一个间谍 交际花 总是变换身份和外表 在不同的男人中间周旋 MJ很伤心 最后自己乘坐直升飞机离开歌词:Who Is It 是谁?I gave her money 我给她金钱I gave her time 我给她时间I gave here everything 我给她所有一切inside one heart could find 只要能在心间寻见I gave her passion 我给她热情My very soul 我给她灵魂I gave her promises 我给她允诺And secrets so untold 还有那些从未透露的秘密And she promised me forever 她向我承诺永远And a day we'd live as one 并且未来我们能一起生活We made our vows 我们立下誓约We'd live a life anew 将要过着崭新生活And she promised me in secret 她秘密的向我承诺That she'd love me for all time 她将永远爱我It's a promise so untrue 这是多么虚假的承诺Tell me what will I do? 告诉我该怎么办?And it doesn't seem to matter 这看上去不要紧And it doesn't seem right 这看上去不正确'Cause the will has brought no fortune 因为愿望从不带来好运Still I cry alone at night 我依然在夜中孤泣Don't you judge of my composure 不要判断我的冷静'Cause I'm lying to myself 因为我正对自己撒谎And the reason why she left me 那么她离开我的原因Did she find in someone else? 是否因为她爱上了别人?(Who is it?) (他是谁?)It is a friend of mine 是我的朋友吗?(Who is it?) (他是谁?)Is it my brother? 是我的兄弟吗?(Who is it?) (他是谁?)Somebody hurt my soul 那人伤害了我的灵魂(Who is it?) (他是谁?)I can't take this stuff no more 我不能再承受这一切I am the damned 我被诅咒I am the dead 我行尸走肉I am the agony 在那垂死的头脑之中inside the dying head 有我极大的痛苦This is injustice 这不公平Woe unto thee 你带来的悲哀I pray this punishment would have mercy on me 我祈祷这样的惩罚能给我宽恕And she promised me forever 她向我承诺永远And a day we'd live as one 并且未来我们能一起生活We made our vows 我们立下誓约We'd live a love so true 要真心相爱It seems that she has left me 看来她离开了我For such reasons unexplained 为着并未解释的缘由 I need to find the truth 我想寻找真相But see what will I do? 但是我又能做什么?And it doesn't seem to matter 这看上去不要紧And it doesn't seem right 这看上去不正确'Cause the will has brought no fortune 因为愿望从不带来好运Still I cry alone at night 我依然在夜中孤泣Don't you judge of my composure 不要判断我的冷静'Cause I'm lying to myself 因为我正对自己撒谎And she didn't leave a letter 她没有留下只字片语She just up and ran away 就起身离开……(Who is it?) (他是谁?)It is a friend of mine 是我的朋友吗?(Who is it?) (他是谁?)Is it my brother? 是我的兄弟吗?(Who is it?) (他是谁?)Somebody hurt my soul 那人伤害了我的灵魂(Who is it?) (他是谁?)I can't take it 'cause I'm lonely 我不能忍受 我很孤独(Who is it?) (他是谁?)It is a friend of mine 是我的朋友吗?(Who is it?) (他是谁?)Is it my brother? 是我的兄弟吗?(Who is it?) (他是谁?)Somebody hurt my soul 那人伤害了我的灵魂(Who is it?) (他是谁?)I can't take it 'cause I'm lonely 我不能忍受 我很孤独 And it doesn't seem to matter 这看上去不要紧And it doesn't seem right 这看上去不正确'Cause the will has brought no fortune 因为愿望从不带来好运Still I cry alone at night 我依然在夜中孤泣Don't you judge of my composure 不要判断我的冷静'Cause I'm lying to myself 因为我正对自己撒谎And the reason why she left me 那么她离开我的原因Did she find in someone else? 是否因为她爱上了别人?And it doesn't seem to matter 这看上去不要紧And it doesn't seem right 这看上去不正确'Cause the will has brought no fortune 因为愿望从不带来好运Still I cry alone at night 我依然在夜中孤泣Don't you judge of my composure 不要判断我的冷静'Cause I'm lying to myself 因为我正对自己撒谎And she didn't leave a letter 她没有留下只字片语She just up and ran away 就起身离开……

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