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margin-left 是啥意思

2024-07-12 23:46:44 编辑:zane 浏览量:623

margin-left 是啥意思


margin-left   是啥意思

margin-left 左边距 左外补丁 左边距属性 左外边距短语margin-left auto 自动调整空隙margin-left marginLeft 设置或获取CSS margin-left 属性相关例句:1.Many users have trouble visualizing what a 1.2-inch left margin looks like; the Preview control showsthem. 很多人都难以想像1.2英寸的左边距 到底 有多大,这个打印预览的功能很好地将它展现出来。2.You then set a breakpoint by clicking in the gutter in the left-hand margin and launch the applicationusing the debugger. 然后,在左边的空白处点击以设置断点,并使用调试器启动应用程序。3.In this case, I had to set the left margin to 6-characters wide to accommodate the tics in scientificnotation for cosec(x) = 1/sin(x). 在本例中,我必须将左边距设置为 6 个字符宽度,以便调整 cosec(x) = 1/sin(x) 的科学记数法中的 tics。

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