

2024-06-29 03:49:03 编辑:zane 浏览量:594




休息是为了走更长的路The rest is to walk longer road你就是我的旅途You are my journey都是因为你 我一直漫步Because of you I have been walking想要跟你一起走到最后Want to walk with you to the end但我遗失了地图But I lost my map谁给谁束缚 谁比谁辛苦Who who who is hard to manacle爱到深处才会领悟To the depths of the heart will know好的事情 最后虽然结束Good things although finally end感动十分 就有十分满足It is touched very satisfied谢谢你 是你陪我走过那些路Thank you to accompany me through the road痛 是以后无法再给你幸福Pain is later can not give you happiness好的事情 也许能够重复Good things might be able to repeat感动时分 就算纷纷模糊When it moved in fuzzy不要哭 至少你和我记得很清楚Don't cry, at least you and I remember very clearly爱 是为彼此祝福Love is the wish each other想要跟你一起走到最后Want to walk with you to the end但我遗失了地图But I lost my map谁给谁束缚 谁比谁辛苦Who who who is hard to manacle爱到深处才会领悟To the depths of the heart will know好的事情 最后虽然结束Good things although finally end感动十分 就有十分满足It is touched very satisfied谢谢你 是你陪我走过那些路Thank you to accompany me through the road痛 是以后无法再给你幸福Pain is later can not give you happiness好的事情 也许能够重复Good things might be able to repeat感动时分 就算纷纷模糊When it moved in fuzzy不要哭 至少你和我记得很清楚爱 是为彼此祝福Love is the wish each other不要哭 至少你和我记得很清楚Don't cry, at least you and I remember very clearly爱 是为彼此祝福Love is the wish each other

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