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请问dairy fairy与dairy queen是什么关系?

2024-06-15 09:35:19 编辑:zane 浏览量:615

请问dairy fairy与dairy queen是什么关系?


请问dairy fairy与dairy queen是什么关系?

dairy fairy翻译为冰雪精灵或者冰淇淋例句:1.Dairy Fairy employees are donned in blue uniforms with red aprons─nearly a mirror image of Dairy Queen employees. 冰雪精灵的服务员身着蓝色制服,带红色围裙,这几乎就是冰雪皇后服务员的翻版。2.Copycat stores range from small regional operations, such as 11 Furniture, which runstwo stores, to larger Dairy Fairy-type national franchises. 仿冒店范围从小的地区运营,比如 11Furniture,两家店,到大一些的 Dairy Fairy类型的全国特许经营店。Dairy Queen奶品皇后1.Its shops include a Dairy Queen, a Victoria’s Secret and a purveyor of comic T-shirts. 其中点缀着诸如奶品皇后、维多利亚的秘密和无厘头风格T恤衫代理等品牌店面。2.There is a Burger King and Dairy Queen, a huge tented gym, to be found on the high road, Disney Boulevard (named after a US serviceman killed here, not thecartoon king). 基地内有一家汉堡王和一家奶品皇后;基地内有一条名为迪士尼大道的公路(因在此殉职的美军士兵得名,不是那个动画大王),而公路边的一个大帐篷就是基地的健身中心。两者本质上没有任何关系

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